Monday, 8 August 2016

Night of Never ending Nachos

Eleanor Roosevelt once said:

                           "Do one thing everyday that scares you"

You know it Sister!

Deep in food thought
So, yesterday I jumped head first into my first Food Quest in public.  Subject:  Who has the best Nachos

Two fears presented themselves here:

1.  What sort of coping strategies will my mind present to be around 9 Foodies for close to 3 hours

2. What punishments will my body dish out  to  me for relentlessly shoving all those nachos and draft beer down my gullet?

To be clear,  I didn't have the privilege of being at the beginning of this Nacho Quest.   I stepped in half way through (due to prior commitments) so I didn't have the luxury of witnessing the true  evolution of the night.

Perhaps the universe decided that was best.

What I did get to experience was three stops ( the rest of the group partook in 8 ) along a pub crawl like event.  Nine new Foodie friends (duo tangs in hand  containing scoring sheets)  and I walking from one pre determined/ researched establishment to the next.  We were all there to try their nachos and discuss, at length,  who had to best according to taste, quality and value.  

Talking about food while waiting for food
First off, let me tell you what a Foodie is.  A Foodie is someone who really likes food.  Of course we all like food; the will to live is what drives us to it.  Foodies take it to the next level.   They think about it when they're not hungry.  They plan other events around its presence.  They are not satisfied with edible concoctions that satiate hunger; they must have/taste/ experience the best!  

And they talk about food.  All the time.  

If you have ever had a night with a Foodie you will understand that no topic of conversation can go without an injection of food.

I know, Dear Reader, that you think this is not possible.  But, just as Kevin Bacon is 6 degrees removed from any one person, so a Foodie is 6 degrees removed from bringing a conversation back to food:

Foodie:  Nice Socks.
Me:  Thanks! They're made from bamboo fiber.  So comfortable!
Foodie:  Did you know bamboo belongs to the grass family
Me: Oh, really?
Foodie: Specifically, Lemon Grass which is a great adage to many Asian dishes!
Me: * palm to face*

I have daringly put myself  in the middle of one of their gatherings.

 Nine Foodies  in total.  

Not taking picture of food#1
I'm proud to say, I held my own and managed to play Foodie for quite a while!  Alas, not being a true Foodie, my mind managed to drift to other subjects such as music,  scenery and people and slowly found myself outside of the the group, taking pictures and singing along to a band playing.

Not taking picture of food #2

Here are some of the observations I found while in the thick of it:

1.  Social etiquette has a different code while amongst Foodies.  Phones are ever present.  Taking pictures, Tweeting,  ( sometimes to the very people you are sitting with) recording everything
Its a surreal moment to capture a foodie, capturing her food
2. While waiting for designated food, talking about other food is encouraged.  On this particular night, several Foodies were heard to be talking about pizza while waiting for their Nachos.
3. Foodies are generally a happy  bunch.   Even  when they are critiquing,  they have this  passion that is hard not to be affected by! They are generally, a warm,  positive, inviting bunch just waiting to share their jeux de vie  Its hard to resist the lure of the Foodie.
4.  When food is present, nothing else exists.  Music, people, kitchen fire....none of it registers until after the first few bites.

I'm sure I will have more to add to this as I continue my life with a Food blogger.

I live with a passionate, focused, obsessed person.  But contrary to what you may think,  My life is not one dimensional.  It is these three qualities that take us to places I normally wouldn't have a reason to go, see things I would have missed and experience people I may never have met.


If you are interested in knowing the results of this nacho quest please visit:

If you would like to participate in a food quest please visit:

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